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How to Repair a Garden Hose – Video Guide

How-To Videos

The dreaded hose leak has arrived, but don’t rush off to replace that damaged hose just yet – with the right tools, you can easily pull off a garden hose repair and get back to watering in no time at all!

How to Repair a Hole, Tear or Crack in a Garden Hose

Excessive dragging around trees or shrubs, being left in the sun, running over with the lawn mower – there are many ways a hose can end up damaged . You may be wondering how to repair a garden hose and save a little money.

Materials Needed:

  1. Cut the Hose
  2. Use a sharp pair of scissors, a hose cutter or a razor knife to cut out the damaged hose section. Be sure to make clean cuts, with no ragged edges.

  3. Install a Compression Mender
  4. A compression mender gives a quick, yet secure, fix without any special tools. Simply slip each cut end into the compression mender and twist the collar clockwise for a watertight seal.

  5. Inspect Your Work
  6. Slowly turn the water on to make sure the hose repair seal is secure.

How to Repair a Bent Coupling

Once you understand the basics of using compression fittings, you’ll know how to repair a water hose with a bent or crushed coupling. A bent coupling will leak when connected to a faucet or sprinkler, while a crushed one cannot be connected at all. Use a compression coupling for a brand-new hose end.

Materials Needed:

  1. Cut the Hose
  2. Use a sharp pair of scissors, a hose cutter or a razor knife to cut off the damaged coupler. Make sure the edges are nice and clean.

  3. Choose the Fitting
  4. The ends of your garden hose feature two different compression couplings: a female and a male. Female ends connect to the faucet, while male ends connect to your nozzles or sprinklers. Make sure to match the damaged end of your hose to the new coupling so that everything fits correctly.

  5. Install a Compression Coupling
  6. Slip the cut end of the hose into the compression coupling and twist the collar clockwise to tighten the seal and secure your water hose repair.

  7. Inspect Your Work
  8. – Connect the new coupling to a faucet and nozzle and slowly turn the water on to check for leaks.

How to Repair a Leaky Hose

That drip, drip, drip from the faucet is a waste of water and money. If you recently noticed a drip coming from your hose, you’re probably looking for information on how to fix a garden hose leak. A worn-down washer may be the problem. Replace your old washer with Gilmour’s Flexogen Hose Seal for a water-tight seal.

Materials Needed:

  1. Remove Old Washer
  2. Use a pair of needle-nose pliers or a small pick to remove the old washer, then discard.

  3. Insert Hose Seal
  4. Use your fingers to push the new seal firmly into place.

  5. Inspect Your Work
  6. Connect the end of the hose to a faucet and slowly turn the water on to make sure the connection is securely sealed.

You can use the same steps to replace worn washers and seals on sprinklers, nozzles and connectors.

Learning how to repair a hose is really a simple task. With just a few simple tools and a couple extra minutes, make your old hose as good as new.

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